Enter your information
In the “Contact Us” section on the right side of the page enter your name, phone number, and email address. You will then receive an email questionnaire from my office. This will help me gather additional pertinent information about you. When you return the questionnaire, please attach the following four photos to the email. Once I receive your photos and questionnaire I will contact you by email.
To best facilitate the internet consult I will need a set of four photos. Arrange the photos as described below.
Photos 1 and 2 – Front and Base
Center the face as shown with the head in a neutral position. For the base view, allow the corner of the eye to intersect with the edge of the nostril.
Photos 3 and 4 – Profile
Arrange the face so it fills the frame and it is as close to a lateral profile as possible (hint: be sure the eyebrows overlap). Make sure the head is in a neutral position, not tilted forward or back.